University of California Santa Cruz: Live and IN PERSON!
Interested in fine tuning your intuition? This is the event for you!
Want to meet any of our speakers? All of them will physically be at the conference!
When you hover your mouse over a speaker’s photo, click on the plus sign.
8 hours
Room 152
Intermediate/Advanced Dowsing
All Day Advanced School (Thursday, July 4th) 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Geomantic Ways to Create Labyrinths Richard Feather Anderson will share (for the first time ever at a dowsing conference school!) his knowledge from 40 years of developing a unique metaphysical approach to the siting, orienting, and laying out of traditional Labyrinth designs on […]
https://www.richardfeatheranderson.com/Beginning Dowsing School: Learn how to use the L-rod, pendulum, Y-Rod and Bobber. We will go over map dowsing and touch on all types of dowsing.
8 hours
Exploring the Purpose & Dynamics of Dowsing: The mechanics of how and why dowsing works. Overcoming belief systems, shared illusions, and ego in pursuit of a more perfect dowse. Water well site location demonstration by popular demand. Bring pendulum. As a dowser, G attempts to combine objective thought, logic, science, intuition and both inner and […]
Spoonbending, Stretching Your Intuitive Muscles Explore how powerful thought can be. Jeannette will lead this hands-on session in bending spoons and other playful ways to use your mind. Jeannette, President of Northern California Dowsers (Nor Cal Dowsers), Redding, CA, was introduced to dowsing 25 years ago by Dr. Dianne Morrissey, influenced by Carl Bracy, Walt […]
http://norcaldowsers.comSusan McNeill Spuhler is an Industrial Engineer and has been dowsing for over 34 years, successfully finding wells for clients throughout the northeastern United States as well as California. She also finds lost items and clears geopathic stress from property. Susan is the President of the Boston Dowsers, a life member of the Ozark Research […]
#Barney Turner has been dowsing for decades and is in charge of our beginning dowsing school What you need to know to dowse a Water Well What dowsing tools do you need? How do you let your subconscious mind (dowsing system) know what you’re looking for. Walt Woods’s program and chart. Barney Turner protocol of […]
https://www.NorCalDowsers.comClearing the Path for Positive Changes in Your Life Stuck in a rut? Health issues? Need prosperity? Is nothing working right in your life? Learn to clear non-beneficial energy from your home, business and body. This is a very easy and inexpensive way to dowse, and remove and reprogram non-beneficial energy. Learn to clear a […]
https://www.ozarkresearch.org/3 hours
1st Floor
Roxanne Louise is a Hypnotherapist, Dowser, Stress Management Expert & Reiki Master, who divides her time between private practice, teaching classes both locally, on the internet, and at multiple national hypnosis & dowsing conferences yearly. She has received several awards for her work in hypnosis and dowsing. Roxanne is a Past President & former member […]
https://www.roxannelouise.com1 hour 15 minues
Room 240
Biography: Grahame has been dowsing professionally for over 20 years and specialises mostly in geopathic stress work and electromagnetic surveying of properties, and the design and creation of sacred spaces. He is a Professional Member, Registered Tutor and Past President of the British Society of Dowsers and a regular presenter and workshop leader at international […]
https://westerngeomancy.org/about-me/?v=7516fd43adaa1 hour 15 minues
1st Floor
Peter Fairfield LAc, is a medical intuitive, acupuncturist and teacher of Asian medicine for over 50 years. He specializes in, meditation, Qigong and transformational practices with a focus on Asian Medical Psychiatry and spiritual opening. For over seven years he operated a clinic in a Tibetan town in Nepal. He learned from many powerful Lamas […]
https://www.oneinfiniteheart.com/Working with Nature Spirits to Heal the Land Shamanic Practice for Anyone
For many years, we have been walking our local mountain, helping to heal the land we love at the direction of local spirits. This has uplifted our healing practice, taught us many things, and brought enhanced peace to where we live. Nature Spirits are always with us, wherever we live. Even if the street is paved, the indigenous spirits of the land live above and below the asphalt. The energy beings of the Earth, the plants and trees, Water, animals, Sun and Wind take care of us always, and we rightly return that care and live in harmony with them. But troubles can occur, due to the actions of humans or the interference of energies or beings that don’t belong. Using your dowsing tools and practices, you can clear and heal the land that you love and live upon. You can communicate directly with the living energy beings of an area, find places that need attention, and clear the energy, emotion, distortion or intrusion that create ill patterns in the land. In this talk, you will learn how this happens, how to find and clear problems, and methods to heal the land as a resident caretaker. Bring your pendulum and your healing team, and let’s do some work!
1 hour 15 minues
Big Red
Working with Nature Spirits to Heal the Land: Shamanic Practice for Anyone For many years, we have been walking our local mountain, helping to heal the land we love at the direction of local spirits. This has uplifted our healing practice, taught us many things, and brought enhanced peace to where we live. Nature Spirits […]
https://www.bioenergy-balancing.com/index.htmlGeopathic Zones and Health This talk demonstrates how to check your home for geopathic zones of all types. Many times it has been shown that health problem for some persons are either caused by or negatively affected by these conditions. Most of these problems can be remedied by using dowsing (preferably “L” rods) and a blocker of these zones. The blocker I use is an ‘Omega sign’. These conditions can also affect the saleability of homes, especially those individuals that sense something “feels wrong” in the home but can not put their finger on it. Basic dowsing techniques will be shown to correct the geopathic zones. This has some correlation with Feng Shui techniques. Not all living spaces have geopathic zones, but a simple check can be relieving.
1 hour 15 minues
Room 301
Geopathic Zones in Your Home All things have an “Energy Field”. We will take readings of “fields”, both human and non-human. We will determine the influences. We will cover common techniques to make the “energy field” larger. The larger the “Energy Field”, the stronger it is. This will be an overall evaluation (other than of […]
https://www.naturesoils.net1 hour 15 minues
Room 240
Atala Toy is the author of several books focused on Interdimensional Cooperation. For over twenty years, she has photographed and documented the existence of sentient beings who co-exist with human beings on our one earth. She is a past vice president of the American Society of Dowsers. For twenty-five years she owned and operated a […]
https://www.atalatoy.com1 hour 15 minues
Janie Stone has practiced yoga since the early 80’s and has completed 500 hours of Yoga Teacher training at Mount Madonna Institute and teaches Gentle Yoga. Yoga for Seniors is a gentle practice to increase strength and flexibility. Janie is very energetic and optimistic about life and the impact of Yoga Practice on her daily […]
Getting in tune with our brain waves for Conscious Dowsing Kalena will speak to us regarding her exploration and journey of dowsing, utilizing Brain Wave Management. She will teach us how to navigate our 4 basic brain waves to allow for better dowsing. She will walk us through a meditation for each which will allow us to experience each brain wave functions and learn to shift our Consciousness into to more accurate dowsing.
1 hour 15 minues
1st Floor
Getting in tune with our brain waves for Conscious Dowsing Kalena will speak to us regarding her exploration and journey of dowsing, utilizing Brain Wave Management. She will teach us how to navigate our 4 basic brain waves to allow for better dowsing. She will walk us through a meditation for each which will allow […]
https://www.crystalvortex.com/Learning to Live with Your WiFi (and other technopathic gadgets). In our gadget-hungry world we are exposed to unprecedented levels of electromagnetic from a number of sources. More and more people suffer from electro hyper-sensitivity, which manifests with symptoms including forgetfulness, headaches, fatigue, irritability, tinnitus and depression. Grahame will explain the major hazards and outline some simple ways to control your exposure to maintain a technological lifestyle without getting ill. Biography: Grahame has been dowsing professionally for over 20 years and specialises mostly in geopathic stress work and electromagnetic surveying of properties, and the design and creation of sacred spaces. He is a Professional Member, Registered Tutor and Past President of the British Society of Dowsers and a regular presenter and workshop leader at international conferences. Grahame is also a member of the Canadian and American dowsing societies, a founder member of The Geomancy Group, and is co-chair (with Susan Collins) of International Dowsers, dedicated to fostering greater links between British and North American dowsing techniques. Find out more at westerngeomancy.org/about-me
1 hour 15 minues
Room 240
Biography: Grahame has been dowsing professionally for over 20 years and specialises mostly in geopathic stress work and electromagnetic surveying of properties, and the design and creation of sacred spaces. He is a Professional Member, Registered Tutor and Past President of the British Society of Dowsers and a regular presenter and workshop leader at international […]
https://westerngeomancy.org/about-me/?v=7516fd43adaa1 hour 15 minues
Room 301
Traveling in and out of Lifetimes—How You Created Your Body Using Sound, Light and Constellations As we move forward with our progress, we are met with seemingly fated events such as the current Covid-19 pandemic. Why and what was/is the purpose of this experience and why now? What course of events can we expect in […]
https://www.gailminogue.comTai chi is a gentle exercise that involves slow, controlled movements, postures, and meditation. It’s often practiced outdoors to take advantage of the surrounding energy of nature. Tai chi originated in China in the 12th century for self-defense and martial arts. It’s now practiced in the West as a means of stress management and exercise. Come join Tony for a fun and relaxing experience!
1 hour 15 minues
1st Floor
Tai Chi, is a Chinese martial art known for its slow and intentional movements that has made it a popular form of movement used for self-defense, improving physical health and creating an overall self fulfillment. In addition, its gentle movement has gained practitioners world wide. Tai chi has multiple additional benefits for mental health, physical […]
1 hour 15 minues
Big Red
Power of Pendulum Creativity In this lecture “The Power of the Creative Pendulum” we’ll be learning to dowse and divine with a pendulum and the Creative Charts. With the pendulum, we’ll be learning to receive yes/no answers, how to clear the aura and chakras, and ground with Mother Earth. Then we’ll learn to use the […]
https://www.joanrosestaffen.comWhen dowsing or healing, it's imperative that you protect yourself so you remain healthy. In this class you'll learn the easy steps to take care of yourself energetically.
1 hour 15 minues
Born in Egypt, raised in Saudi Arabia, and currently living in the United States, Abeer has traveled through far ends of the globe – she has also experienced unique cultures throughout, which has made her compassionate and understanding toward people from all walks of life. As a kid, she knew that she was destined for […]
“Adventures in Dowsing” with G Ask questions, gain insight, explore solutions, and share dowsing experiences that may help others. G can usually be found in California. He’s a consultant to Nor Cal Dowsers and others, and more approachable than he might appear.
1 hour 15 minues
Exploring the Purpose & Dynamics of Dowsing: The mechanics of how and why dowsing works. Overcoming belief systems, shared illusions, and ego in pursuit of a more perfect dowse. Water well site location demonstration by popular demand. Bring pendulum. As a dowser, G attempts to combine objective thought, logic, science, intuition and both inner and […]
1 hour 15 minues
1st Floor
Peter Fairfield LAc, is a medical intuitive, acupuncturist and teacher of Asian medicine for over 50 years. He specializes in, meditation, Qigong and transformational practices with a focus on Asian Medical Psychiatry and spiritual opening. For over seven years he operated a clinic in a Tibetan town in Nepal. He learned from many powerful Lamas […]
https://www.oneinfiniteheart.com/'Communicating with Nature Spirits and Light Beings' by Deb Starwalker
1 hour 15 minues
Room 240
Biography Deb Starwalker Peterson I have used dowsing for over twenty years, as part of daily living and in my professional energy therapy practice. For nine years, I taught dowsing in metaphysical and earth healing classes. I use dowsing tools and deviceless dowsing when working with ley lines, portals, vortexes, and earth grids. My intent […]
https://www.Wellness-Energetics.comEverything you've ever wanted to learn about Hypnosis and how it can improve your life!
1 hour 15 minues
Room 301
Spoonbending, Stretching Your Intuitive Muscles Explore how powerful thought can be. Jeannette will lead this hands-on session in bending spoons and other playful ways to use your mind. Jeannette, President of Northern California Dowsers (Nor Cal Dowsers), Redding, CA, was introduced to dowsing 25 years ago by Dr. Dianne Morrissey, influenced by Carl Bracy, Walt […]
http://norcaldowsers.comDowsing - Consciousness - Healing “You’ve always had the Power, my Dear. You just had to learn it for yourself.” – Glenda the Good Witch (Wizard of Oz) Learn about your energy (through dowsing) and how work with your intuition/Consciousness can affect you, even when you are across the country or around the world. SuperConscious can neutralize or delete imbalances and triggers in memories. It’s simple and very powerful.
1 hour 15 minues
Big Red
I have always been intrigued about energy healing, consciousness, and health. In 1997 while raising my 5 children, I embarked on some extraordinary classes with people who were far ahead of their time in energy healing. I learned to be very proficient with Radionics, Dowsing, Rapid Eye Therapy, Tapping and several other modalities. I discovered […]
https://www.getbrainhappy.comThe Power of the Talisman and Sigil How to Use Them in Our Every Day Life Learn the history and power of Talismans and Sigils. They were used to evoke power and protection in ancient times. Can we use their wisdom and power today in our everyday life? Learn how to find your own talisman and how to check if it is the right one for you.
1 hour 15 minues
Room 240
I am a Healer, plain and simple. I was born with the capacity to heal. I have devoted much of my life to this noble profession. Althea Gray I hope my life’s journey serve as a deep source of inspiration to anyone who wants to serve as a Healer. I hope it serves as a source […]
https://www.altheagray.comPerhaps the most misunderstood parts of Shifting Consciousness are about What it is and Where is Resides! The perspectives offered in my presentations are from: 1) Personal experience, 2) Observations of the world around me, 3) Historical events and stories related by those present, 4) Metaphysical understandings of the greater universe, 5) Witnessing people’s reactions and shifts in the varying modalities I have used throughout the years. I am not an academic and scientist in the traditional sense, although research is very much done, often Divinely Guided it would seem. The way my Brain and Mind access and process information, along with very diverse life experiences and world travel, have opened and given many unexpected validations as to “my understanding of what Shifting Consciousness is and is not, and how it really is a malleable, alchemical, ever morphing, inner process, relative to the Intention and Desire of the person’s experiencing”. Shifting Consciousness is not just about Awakening, there is also the intentional Lowering Consciousness to create manageable populations. This presentation will also include interactive examples, discussions and stories, as time allows. Shifting Consciousness Begins Inside presented by Ophelia The Mystic Muse.
1 hour 15 minues
Room 301
“Ophelia offers more than 30 years of seeking, healing, acquiring, teaching and evolving spiritual awareness through diverse and expansive experiences, along with her unique abilities of perceiving information to reveal patterns and hidden information, inter and interconnected within everyday life, relationships, health and lineage issues, providing the client the keys for greater understanding of Self. […]
https://opheliathemysticmuse.com/In this presentation, Brandon will demystify and put in the most basic terms, the Art of Ascension, giving useful and practical tools to dowsing/divining practitioners of all levels. The information given will assist you in finding any views, beliefs and ideas that may be holding you back from Being All that You Are, as well as prepare you for what lies ahead on the journey of Physical Ascension.
1 hour 15 minues
Big Red
“Divining for Physical Ascension” In this presentation, Brandon will demystify and put in the most basic terms, the Art of Ascension, giving useful and practical tools to dowsing/divining practitioners of all levels. The information given will assist you in finding any views, beliefs and ideas that may be holding you back from Being All that […]
1 hour 15 minues
Susan Whittaker is a bridge between two cultures: today’s fields of science and technology (e. g. being celebrated by Steve Jobs for her use of computers in education) and growing up around ancient, ancestral humanism (e. g. an isolated group of Alaska Natives). As Sue integrates these diverse perspectives and life experiences, she formulates unique insights and concepts. By […]
https://www.DeTOXalot.comMap dowsing for Eisenhauer and Morgan Silver Dollars
1 hour 15 minues
1st Floor
Intermediate/Advanced Dowsing
Exploring the Purpose & Dynamics of Dowsing: The mechanics of how and why dowsing works. Overcoming belief systems, shared illusions, and ego in pursuit of a more perfect dowse. Water well site location demonstration by popular demand. Bring pendulum. As a dowser, G attempts to combine objective thought, logic, science, intuition and both inner and […]
Spoonbending, Stretching Your Intuitive Muscles Explore how powerful thought can be. Jeannette will lead this hands-on session in bending spoons and other playful ways to use your mind. Jeannette, President of Northern California Dowsers (Nor Cal Dowsers), Redding, CA, was introduced to dowsing 25 years ago by Dr. Dianne Morrissey, influenced by Carl Bracy, Walt […]
http://norcaldowsers.comSusan McNeill Spuhler is an Industrial Engineer and has been dowsing for over 34 years, successfully finding wells for clients throughout the northeastern United States as well as California. She also finds lost items and clears geopathic stress from property. Susan is the President of the Boston Dowsers, a life member of the Ozark Research […]
#2 Hours
Room 240
All Day Advanced School (Thursday, July 4th) 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Geomantic Ways to Create Labyrinths Richard Feather Anderson will share (for the first time ever at a dowsing conference school!) his knowledge from 40 years of developing a unique metaphysical approach to the siting, orienting, and laying out of traditional Labyrinth designs on […]
https://www.richardfeatheranderson.com/Intuitive Dowsing Advanced Dowsing School (Friday, July 1, 2022): I AM inviting myself to come into Harmony with my own Disharmony is a sample of the type of statements Joachim uses to ensure dowsing accuracy. My Higher Self invites so-and-so’s Higher Self to come into Harmony with their own Disharmony. Join Joachim at his Advanced Dowsing School on Friday, July 1st as well as other times throughout the conference where you’ll be drawn to attend his class and be in his presence. Joachim is well known for his Harmony Updates. Joaquim (Joe) Wippich Joaquim has been dowsing since the 1970’s and has developed his own form of harmony dowsing, which must be experienced to completely understand. A former engineer, Joe designs finely-honed dowsing devises, called “recording wires.” Joaquim Wippich and his methods are the subject of the book, “The Seeker and The Teacher of Light; Science, Subtle Energies, and Spirituality: A Path to I AM” by Jerry Gin. Harmony Dowsing: Joaquim Wippich shares his philosophies of dowsing with the divine self. He shares and explains his affirmations to create harmony in relationship with the people, places, and things you experience every day in life in the Cosmos. Joe will explain Rethinking, Thoughts, and your role in the universe as a Cosmic Creator. “I invite thoughts within thoughts within thoughts within thoughts.” Then rethink again.
1 hour 15 minues
Room 240
Intermediate/Advanced Dowsing
Intuitive Dowsing I AM inviting myself to come into Harmony with my own Disharmony is a sample of the type of statements Joachim uses to ensure dowsing accuracy. My Higher Self invites so-and-so’s Higher Self to come into Harmony with their own Disharmony. Joachim is well known for his Harmony Updates. Rethinking Dowsing Join Joachim […]
https://jerrygin.com/book/You'll learn how to use all four basic dowsing tools: pendulum, L-rod, Y-Rod and Bobber as well as deviceless (no tools required) and map dowsing.
1 hour 15 minues
Susan McNeill Spuhler is an Industrial Engineer and has been dowsing for over 34 years, successfully finding wells for clients throughout the northeastern United States as well as California. She also finds lost items and clears geopathic stress from property. Susan is the President of the Boston Dowsers, a life member of the Ozark Research […]
#1 hour 15 minues
1st Floor
Janie Stone has practiced yoga since the early 80’s and has completed 500 hours of Yoga Teacher training at Mount Madonna Institute and teaches Gentle Yoga. Yoga for Seniors is a gentle practice to increase strength and flexibility. Janie is very energetic and optimistic about life and the impact of Yoga Practice on her daily […]
In this class you will learn how Dowsing is a type of vibration along with everything in our universe.
1 hour 15 minues
Room 301
Born in Egypt, raised in Saudi Arabia, and currently living in the United States, Abeer has traveled through far ends of the globe – she has also experienced unique cultures throughout, which has made her compassionate and understanding toward people from all walks of life. As a kid, she knew that she was destined for […]
Light Anchoring for Environmental Clearing Learn to use Light Anchors to:
1 hour 15 minues
Big Red
Brian Besco and his family business, Twistedsage Studios, create some of the most powerful subtle energy tools on the planet. Tensor Ring Technology is used to restructure water, remediate discordant energies including nonbeneficial electromagnetic fields (EMF). These same tools are also used to facilitate soul level expansion and growth. Brian has come from South Dakota […]
https://twistedsage.com/HOW OUR FATE IS MEASURED BY THE SPIRITS ABIDING IN THE STARS As we move forward with our progress, we are met with seemingly fated events such as the current Covid-19 pandemic. Why and what was/is the purpose of this experience and why now? What course of events can we expect in the years ahead? As we navigate the 20’s what can we do to suffer and struggle less and regain our sense of presence and calm. The turbulence will continue for several years, what do we need to know and to learn to help ourselves through this period? We here on earth are affected by the heavens and unseen forces that carry us through regions of space that affect the ionosphere, magnetosphere or atmosphere in general. This travel affects both our consciousness as well as the seasons of the year. This Age of Aquarius is both one of the most dangerous and dynamic times for humans. It promotes great advances in scientific breakthroughs, space travel and other fine matter forces. Humankind is just beginning to learn beyond the world of materialism and in the last analysis that everything is the expression of energy and vibratory forces. We here in the United States and other parts of the world continue to advance from barbarism into a civilized society. Our culture struggles through fear and greed to rise out of a dark period of history. What will we have to change as the heavenly transits direct and guide us? Earth has had many civilizations over ions of time. They are gone with little or no traces. What must we do to prevent this from happening again in our current age? We will be covering the current conditions of our society, the next few years ahead and the enormous responsibility each of must be willing to learn to experience a new way of conducting our lives. Gail Minogue assists individuals and organizations to navigate the dynamics of change and become master builders of their futures, relationships, and successes. She provides clients with remarkable insights through a unique combination of trends analysis and forecasting, ancient & contemporary cyclical data, Pythagorean numerology, plus the wisdom gained from over 30 years in the business markets and the intensive study and use of intuitive spiritual systems.
1 hour 15 minues
Room 301
Traveling in and out of Lifetimes—How You Created Your Body Using Sound, Light and Constellations As we move forward with our progress, we are met with seemingly fated events such as the current Covid-19 pandemic. Why and what was/is the purpose of this experience and why now? What course of events can we expect in […]
https://www.gailminogue.comTai chi is a gentle exercise that involves slow, controlled movements, postures, and meditation. It's often practiced outdoors to take advantage of the surrounding energy of nature. Tai chi originated in China in the 12th century for self-defense and martial arts. It's now practiced in the West as a means of stress management and exercise. Come join Tony for a fun and relaxing experience!
1 hour 15 minues
1st Floor
Tai Chi, is a Chinese martial art known for its slow and intentional movements that has made it a popular form of movement used for self-defense, improving physical health and creating an overall self fulfillment. In addition, its gentle movement has gained practitioners world wide. Tai chi has multiple additional benefits for mental health, physical […]
Dowsing - Consciousness - Healing “You’ve always had the Power, my Dear. You just had to learn it for yourself.” – Glenda the Good Witch (Wizard of Oz) Learn about your energy (through dowsing) and how work with your intuition/Consciousness can affect you, even when you are across the country or around the world. SuperConscious can neutralize or delete imbalances and triggers in memories. It’s simple and very powerful.
1 hour 15 minues
Big Red
I have always been intrigued about energy healing, consciousness, and health. In 1997 while raising my 5 children, I embarked on some extraordinary classes with people who were far ahead of their time in energy healing. I learned to be very proficient with Radionics, Dowsing, Rapid Eye Therapy, Tapping and several other modalities. I discovered […]
https://www.getbrainhappy.comNew Revelations on Qi Qi is a life force energy. You are born with a lot of it and it goes down throughout life, ending at very low levels at the end of life. It would be wonderful if you can measure your levels of qi and if you can increase it in life. It may have amazing benefits for health and longevity. The presentation will give more insight into the nature of qi and explain how you can quantitate it. There will also be discussions on ways you can increase your qi levels. All measurements on quantitation and increasing levels are based on dowsing/radiesthesia. Jerry Gin, Ph.D. Chairman/CEO of the Foundation for Mind-Being Research (FMBR) Biography: Jerry Gin has spent more than 50 years in the pharmaceutical, diagnostic, laboratory medicine, and biotechnology industries. Passionate interests: mind-being, consciousness, the nature of reality. Chairman/CEO of the Foundation for Mind-Being Research (https://fmbr.org). Author: The Seeker and The Teacher of Light; Science, Subtle Energies, and Spirituality: A Path to I AM. See https://jerrygin.com Ph.D. in Biochemistry – UC Berkeley, MBA – Loyola, BS -U of Ariz [email protected]
1 hour 15 minues
Room 240
The Amazing Shift in Subtle Energies Jerry Gin and Meg Lund The entire planet, including ourselves, is being rewired. This is happening within us and within the planet. This is happening at the subtle vibrational level. Those who are sensitive to energies, especially healers and dowsers, feel the changes but do not know the cause […]
https://jerrygin.com/Spoon Bending and MORE! Learn how to bend spoons with this amazing instructor. You'll be laughing all during class!
1 hour 15 minues
Spoonbending, Stretching Your Intuitive Muscles Explore how powerful thought can be. Jeannette will lead this hands-on session in bending spoons and other playful ways to use your mind. Jeannette, President of Northern California Dowsers (Nor Cal Dowsers), Redding, CA, was introduced to dowsing 25 years ago by Dr. Dianne Morrissey, influenced by Carl Bracy, Walt […]
http://norcaldowsers.comTales of Dov Nadel Dov Nadel was among the more interesting dowsers. Now a Sky Dowsers Ted will tell stories of how Dov impacted his life in very inspiring ways.
1 hour 15 minues
1st Floor
Lessons from Marcel Vogel Late in the 1970s until late 1980s Marcel Vogel and I made jewelry out of cut crystals that Marcel “ignited” (programmed). His sense of humor woke me up to things I needed to learn. We will talk about how the radionics electrode could measure the frequency of the “ignited” crystals. We […]
In this class you will learn to dowse your self-esteem, worthiness and make improvements to help you make your dreams come true. Write down what you want and come to class!
1 hour 15 minues
Susan McNeill Spuhler is an Industrial Engineer and has been dowsing for over 34 years, successfully finding wells for clients throughout the northeastern United States as well as California. She also finds lost items and clears geopathic stress from property. Susan is the President of the Boston Dowsers, a life member of the Ozark Research […]
#Stuck in a rut? Health issues? Need prosperity? Is nothing working right in your life? Learn to clear non-beneficial energy from your home, business and body. This is a very easy and inexpensive way to dowse, and remove and reprogram non-beneficial energy. Learn to clear a path for blessings to manifest and to help make those changes in your life that you desire. Dowsing with a pendulum, the diagram of a house, business or human form to clear non beneficial energy. Tuning into spirit, so you can write an affirmation, prayer or mantra that will continue to work and ground it. This technique will continue to work without you ever having to do anything else to it. Just sit back and let the blessings flow!
1 hour 15 minues
Room 240
Clearing the Path for Positive Changes in Your Life Stuck in a rut? Health issues? Need prosperity? Is nothing working right in your life? Learn to clear non-beneficial energy from your home, business and body. This is a very easy and inexpensive way to dowse, and remove and reprogram non-beneficial energy. Learn to clear a […]
https://www.ozarkresearch.org/‘Sacred Sites and Labyrinth Ascension Interaction Methods’ by Deb Starwalker Learn a new spiritual and energetic method for interaction with sacred sites and labyrinths. Divine guidance showed me 4 ways of interacting (giving or receiving) with these special sites on a higher consciousness level. These 4 ways open the possibility for energetic clearing and ascension upgrades for each site. Sacred sites and labyrinths can be receptive portals for incoming higher consciousness ascension energies. This makes them an important part of Mother Earth’s ascension process for humanity. Learn preparation exercises and interaction steps for working with the 4 types of interactions. Learn proper protocols to connect with the energy and consciousness of each site. Understand how dowsing tools or device-less dowsing can assist in the interaction process.
1 hour 15 minues
Room 301
Biography Deb Starwalker Peterson I have used dowsing for over twenty years, as part of daily living and in my professional energy therapy practice. For nine years, I taught dowsing in metaphysical and earth healing classes. I use dowsing tools and deviceless dowsing when working with ley lines, portals, vortexes, and earth grids. My intent […]
https://www.Wellness-Energetics.comShift to Heart-Centered Consciousness via the Labyrinth Have we realized the full potential of the connections between the seven circuits of the Ancient Labyrinth and the seven chakras, or states of consciousness? The labyrinth can do more than merely relax and rejuvenate us, or stimulate new insights. Using the path’s unique, non-linear sequence through the chakras, as a meditation, could become one of our most effective exercises to shift humanity into a heart-centered consciousness. We will explore the key role that the fourth circuit or “heart path” plays in the transformational power of the labyrinth, by decoding the geometrical structure of the path sequence; by making connections to the mystical messages within the Arthurian and Grail legends; and by learning how to use the 7 Questions Visioning Meditation, and augment it with dowsing. Bio: Richard Feather Anderson is an internationally recognized pioneer in the revival of geomancy, Feng Shui, sacred geometry, and labyrinths. He conducted a seminal research project on the effects of walking labyrinths at ASD’s WCC from 1986 to 1989. He designed the labyrinths at San Francisco’s Grace Cathedral, which helped spread their use into religious communities worldwide. He has employed his interdisciplinary knowledge to create optimum settings for the “labyrinth experience.” He generously shares his knowledge with passion and humor.
1 hour 15 minues
Labyrinth near Registration
All Day Advanced School (Thursday, July 4th) 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Geomantic Ways to Create Labyrinths Richard Feather Anderson will share (for the first time ever at a dowsing conference school!) his knowledge from 40 years of developing a unique metaphysical approach to the siting, orienting, and laying out of traditional Labyrinth designs on […]
https://www.richardfeatheranderson.com/Working with Nature Spirits to Heal the Land: Shamanic Practice for Anyone
For many years, we have been walking our local mountain, helping to heal the land we love at the direction of local spirits. This has uplifted our healing practice, taught us many things, and brought enhanced peace to where we live. Nature Spirits are always with us, wherever we live. Even if the street is paved, the indigenous spirits of the land live above and below the asphalt. The energy beings of the Earth, the plants and trees, Water, animals, Sun and Wind take care of us always, and we rightly return that care and live in harmony with them. But troubles can occur, due to the actions of humans or the interference of energies or beings that don’t belong. Using your dowsing tools and practices, you can clear and heal the land that you love and live upon. You can communicate directly with the living energy beings of an area, find places that need attention, and clear the energy, emotion, distortion or intrusion that create ill patterns in the land. In this talk, you will learn how this happens, how to find and clear problems, and methods to heal the land as a resident caretaker. Bring your pendulum and your healing team, and let’s do some work!
1 hour 15 minues
Big Red
Working with Nature Spirits to Heal the Land: Shamanic Practice for Anyone For many years, we have been walking our local mountain, helping to heal the land we love at the direction of local spirits. This has uplifted our healing practice, taught us many things, and brought enhanced peace to where we live. Nature Spirits […]
https://www.bioenergy-balancing.com/index.html1 hour 15 minues
Room 240
Atala Toy is the author of several books focused on Interdimensional Cooperation. For over twenty years, she has photographed and documented the existence of sentient beings who co-exist with human beings on our one earth. She is a past vice president of the American Society of Dowsers. For twenty-five years she owned and operated a […]
https://www.atalatoy.comKnow Your Energy the Human Design Way
Let’s talk energy centers! Ever wish your “human self” came with an instruction manual, a blueprint of your soul and life purpose? Ever wonder why your energy gets depleted or increased when you are around certain people? Notice how easily fears or emotions creep in? Ever get bitter or frustrated at not being seen or heard? Empathic much? Why are some relationships tougher than others? Time or love challenged? These are all real energy dilemmas explained by Human Design. More than chakras, more than quantum, energy psychology, i-Ching, Kabbalah, astrology, and numerology. Human Design is a synthesis of modern and ancient archetypes that point to who you came here to be, doing what you came here to do. Learn simple, crucial personal energy strategies from long-time dowser and Human Design teacher, Sharon Mahany, that could change your life! For MORE FUN bring a printed chart from www.freehumandesignchart.com.1 hour 15 minues
1st Floor
Know Your Energy the Human Design Way Let’s talk energy centers! Ever wish your “human self” came with an instruction manual, a blueprint of your soul and life purpose? Ever wonder why your energy gets depleted or increased when you are around certain people? Notice how easily fears or emotions creep in? Ever get bitter […]
1 hour 15 minues
Big Red
Dowsing Beyond the World of Appearances We live in a multidimensional existence where consciousness plays an important role in dowsing and how we interface with the world. Dowsing consciousness allows us to delve into the depths of dimensionality and explore new realms. Gary will introduce techniques to access higher levels of information such as interfacing with portals, […]
1 hour 15 minues
Room 301
Roxanne Louise is a Hypnotherapist, Dowser, Stress Management Expert & Reiki Master, who divides her time between private practice, teaching classes both locally, on the internet, and at multiple national hypnosis & dowsing conferences yearly. She has received several awards for her work in hypnosis and dowsing. Roxanne is a Past President & former member […]
https://www.roxannelouise.com1 hour 15 minues
Peter Fairfield LAc, is a medical intuitive, acupuncturist and teacher of Asian medicine for over 50 years. He specializes in, meditation, Qigong and transformational practices with a focus on Asian Medical Psychiatry and spiritual opening. For over seven years he operated a clinic in a Tibetan town in Nepal. He learned from many powerful Lamas […]
https://www.oneinfiniteheart.com/Barney Turner has been dowsing for decades and is in charge of our beginning dowsing school What you need to know to dowse a Water Well What dowsing tools do you need? How do you let your subconscious mind (dowsing system) know what you’re looking for. Walt Woods’s program and chart. Barney Turner protocol of Water Well How and where can you practice? How large is the property? Is it walkable? Is there a plot plan? Address? Is it on goggle Earth? Communication with your client is really important, what you are going to do and how your rods work. Talking to your tools out loud is important, why? Using your rods to point directions for the best place to drill for all the client’s needs for Primary water, After locating a drill spot get your clients involved by letting them use your L-rods to try. Give them a set of L rods to try and keep. Dowsing the property on a computer screen first with your L-rods can save time and lot of walking. Also keep from missing a good source of water on the property. Why is direction of flow important? What is the advantage of drilling where two streams cross? Is it important to know the name of the driller? GPM to the surface and depth? Barney Turner: Vice-President of www.NorCalDowsers.com Speaker, Teacher, well dowser, house and business clearing, Negative energy removal [email protected]
1 hour 15 minues
1st Floor
Exploring the Purpose & Dynamics of Dowsing: The mechanics of how and why dowsing works. Overcoming belief systems, shared illusions, and ego in pursuit of a more perfect dowse. Water well site location demonstration by popular demand. Bring pendulum. As a dowser, G attempts to combine objective thought, logic, science, intuition and both inner and […]
Barney Turner has been dowsing for decades and is in charge of our beginning dowsing school What you need to know to dowse a Water Well What dowsing tools do you need? How do you let your subconscious mind (dowsing system) know what you’re looking for. Walt Woods’s program and chart. Barney Turner protocol of […]
https://www.NorCalDowsers.comRethinking Dowsing (Intuitive Dowsing) Join Joachim Wippich as he explores the different factors that can influence dowsing results. Steps to harmonize the dowser by securing their resonance will be discussed in the effort to ensure dowsing accuracy. Your evolutionary number, the concept of rethinking, I AM affirmations, and the idea that everything is thoughts, are some of the advanced topics Joachim will cover. An opportunity to ask questions and see practical application of Joachim’s unique approach to dowsing will be provided. Don’t miss the rare opportunity to experience Joachim’s teachings live and be in his presence. Joachim Wippich is an Electro-Mechanical Engineer whose many inventions and innovations have made this world a better place. His problem solving expertise has aided in the design of dowsing tools, as well as discovering methods to better understand the dowsing process. He brings with him great wisdom and insight to the universe at large. His classes are not to be missed.
1 hour 15 minues
Room 240
Intermediate/Advanced Dowsing
Intuitive Dowsing I AM inviting myself to come into Harmony with my own Disharmony is a sample of the type of statements Joachim uses to ensure dowsing accuracy. My Higher Self invites so-and-so’s Higher Self to come into Harmony with their own Disharmony. Joachim is well known for his Harmony Updates. Rethinking Dowsing Join Joachim […]
https://jerrygin.com/book/1 hour 15 minues
Big Red
Biography: Grahame has been dowsing professionally for over 20 years and specialises mostly in geopathic stress work and electromagnetic surveying of properties, and the design and creation of sacred spaces. He is a Professional Member, Registered Tutor and Past President of the British Society of Dowsers and a regular presenter and workshop leader at international […]
https://westerngeomancy.org/about-me/?v=7516fd43adaaTai chi is a gentle exercise that involves slow, controlled movements, postures, and meditation. It’s often practiced outdoors to take advantage of the surrounding energy of nature. Tai chi originated in China in the 12th century for self-defense and martial arts. It’s now practiced in the West as a means of stress management and exercise. Come join Tony for a fun and relaxing experience!
1 hour 15 minues
Tai Chi, is a Chinese martial art known for its slow and intentional movements that has made it a popular form of movement used for self-defense, improving physical health and creating an overall self fulfillment. In addition, its gentle movement has gained practitioners world wide. Tai chi has multiple additional benefits for mental health, physical […]
Physicists such as Tom Campbell are saying that #1. consciousness is the primal force behind reality, not the other way around, & #2. all consciousness is entangled. What this implies is that consciousness which includes all of my thoughts & emotions as well as yours are affecting one another & are behind both our problems but also the solutions to those problems. Consciousness is CONTAGIOUS! So it is in being mindful of what we are creating both individually & collectively, & taking responsibility to heal our issues that we help everyone to heal. And in focusing our intention for positive change we can become a powerful force to bring about a more benevolent future especially as there is a multiplication effect when people join together in groups. Let me show you how to apply your dowsing skills & to focus your intention with energy to heal on a personal as well as on a collective level, & to project your intention for positive change in your community & the world at large. I will also address clearing detrimental Mass Consciousness especially that of fear, hopelessness, powerlessness, apathy, etc.
1 hour 15 minues
Room 301
Roxanne Louise is a Hypnotherapist, Dowser, Stress Management Expert & Reiki Master, who divides her time between private practice, teaching classes both locally, on the internet, and at multiple national hypnosis & dowsing conferences yearly. She has received several awards for her work in hypnosis and dowsing. Roxanne is a Past President & former member […]
https://www.roxannelouise.comThe Amazing Shift in Subtle Energies Jerry Gin and Meg Lund The entire planet, including ourselves, is being rewired. This is happening within us and within the planet. This is happening at the subtle vibrational level. Those who are sensitive to energies, especially healers and dowsers, feel the changes but do not know the cause of it. These changes do affect us and the world. The changes can be detected and measured with the tools of dowsing/radiesthesia. The purpose of the talk is to inform you of the dramatic worldwide changes which some of us are detecting. Biography: Jerry Gin has spent more than 50 years in the pharmaceutical, diagnostic, laboratory medicine, and biotechnology industries. Passionate interests: mind-being, consciousness, the nature of reality. Chairman/CEO of the Foundation for Mind-Being Research (https://fmbr.org). Author: The Seeker and The Teacher of Light; Science, Subtle Energies, and Spirituality: A Path to I AM. See https://jerrygin.com Ph.D. in Biochemistry – UC Berkeley, MBA – Loyola, BS -U of Ariz [email protected]
Meg Lund’s Bio
Meg is a lifelong seeker of knowledge and truth. She and her family have been homesteading for almost 30 years. Self-sufficiency and living in harmony with nature have always been priorities, so she studied and applied natural healing modalities, gardening, foraging, cooking, microbial nutrition, mushrooms and herbs, natural building, natural horsemanship, and many crafts, including Radiesthesia and vibrational healing.
Meg and Jerry became friends in 2020 on a weekly Zoom meeting exploring subtle energies. Meg was immediately fascinated with Jerry’s discovery of 369 energies and took the research further, continuing to share her discoveries with the group. In early 2023, Meg, Jerry and Yolanka do Mato were mapping out layers of the human biofield when very interesting changes began to occur, which started a deepening of friendship and collaboration to follow and document this monumental shift in the very matrix of our existence.
Meg and Jerry are now putting together this information into a soon to be published book, “The Birth of a New Humanity.” Yolanka continues to support the team with her wisdom, intuition and Radiesthesia skills as well.
1 hour 15 minues
Room 240
The Amazing Shift in Subtle Energies Jerry Gin and Meg Lund The entire planet, including ourselves, is being rewired. This is happening within us and within the planet. This is happening at the subtle vibrational level. Those who are sensitive to energies, especially healers and dowsers, feel the changes but do not know the cause […]
https://jerrygin.com/1 hour 15 minues
Lessons from Marcel Vogel Late in the 1970s until late 1980s Marcel Vogel and I made jewelry out of cut crystals that Marcel “ignited” (programmed). His sense of humor woke me up to things I needed to learn. We will talk about how the radionics electrode could measure the frequency of the “ignited” crystals. We […]
Light Anchoring for Environmental Clearing Learn to use Light Anchors to:
1 hour 15 minues
Big Red
Brian Besco and his family business, Twistedsage Studios, create some of the most powerful subtle energy tools on the planet. Tensor Ring Technology is used to restructure water, remediate discordant energies including nonbeneficial electromagnetic fields (EMF). These same tools are also used to facilitate soul level expansion and growth. Brian has come from South Dakota […]
https://twistedsage.com/1 hour 15 minues
1st Floor
Peter Fairfield LAc, is a medical intuitive, acupuncturist and teacher of Asian medicine for over 50 years. He specializes in, meditation, Qigong and transformational practices with a focus on Asian Medical Psychiatry and spiritual opening. For over seven years he operated a clinic in a Tibetan town in Nepal. He learned from many powerful Lamas […]
https://www.oneinfiniteheart.com/How to Talk with All Parts of Creation This is an intimate gathering, limited to 25 people and not being recorded, in which you will be practicing making the shift from using dowsing tools to directly communicating with life forms of other realms. All existence is sentient and complex in its own realm. We’ll explore how to establish communication across dimensions.
1 hour 15 minues
Room 201
Atala Toy is the author of several books focused on Interdimensional Cooperation. For over twenty years, she has photographed and documented the existence of sentient beings who co-exist with human beings on our one earth. She is a past vice president of the American Society of Dowsers. For twenty-five years she owned and operated a […]
https://www.atalatoy.com1 hour 15 minues
I am a Healer, plain and simple. I was born with the capacity to heal. I have devoted much of my life to this noble profession. Althea Gray I hope my life’s journey serve as a deep source of inspiration to anyone who wants to serve as a Healer. I hope it serves as a source […]
https://www.altheagray.comBiography: Twenty years ago, as a young dowser, Brandon had become proficient in several forms of pendulum dowsing. Still, it bothered him that it wasn’t an absolutely 100% reliable science. He noted that the answers he sometimes received did not prove to be accurate. Enter Wiley Brooks, his late teacher and Spiritual Father.
Under Wiley’s tutelage, Brandon has developed and mastered Quantum Divining, transforming the way the world approaches divining sciences as well as Reality itself.
With Quantum Divining, Brandon continues to diligently resolve the largest questions and problems within the Dowsing/Divining and Metaphysical communities at large. He passionately teaches this revolutionary and provocative scientific system, approaching all earthly and spiritual problems with the Mind of a Child.
1 hour 15 minues
Big Red
“Divining for Physical Ascension” In this presentation, Brandon will demystify and put in the most basic terms, the Art of Ascension, giving useful and practical tools to dowsing/divining practitioners of all levels. The information given will assist you in finding any views, beliefs and ideas that may be holding you back from Being All that […]
Exploring the Purpose & Dynamics of Dowsing: The mechanics of how and why dowsing works. Overcoming belief systems, shared illusions, and ego in pursuit of a more perfect dowse. Water well site location demonstration by popular demand. Bring pendulum. As a dowser, G attempts to combine objective thought, logic, science, intuition and both inner and outer guidance to all dowsing activity. He’s a consultant to Nor Cal Dowsers and others.
1 hour 15 minues
Exploring the Purpose & Dynamics of Dowsing: The mechanics of how and why dowsing works. Overcoming belief systems, shared illusions, and ego in pursuit of a more perfect dowse. Water well site location demonstration by popular demand. Bring pendulum. As a dowser, G attempts to combine objective thought, logic, science, intuition and both inner and […]
Sue Whittaker will demonstrate how pendulum dowsing can be used to dive deep into the ocean of the mind in order to find and fix obstacles to living well by tapping into the suppressed realms of the body, mind and spirit. Her powerful but simple protocol addresses trapped emotions, subconscious thoughts, childhood perceptions, prenatal programming, parental labeling, limiting self-image and more. We don’t know what we don’t know. But the pendulum does. Come learn how applied dowsing can help. Sue has written 18 Dowser’s Guides and she uses dowsing in new and ancient ways.
1 hour 15 minues
Susan Whittaker is a bridge between two cultures: today’s fields of science and technology (e. g. being celebrated by Steve Jobs for her use of computers in education) and growing up around ancient, ancestral humanism (e. g. an isolated group of Alaska Natives). As Sue integrates these diverse perspectives and life experiences, she formulates unique insights and concepts. By […]
https://www.DeTOXalot.com1 hour 15 minues
Room 301
Dowsing Beyond the World of Appearances We live in a multidimensional existence where consciousness plays an important role in dowsing and how we interface with the world. Dowsing consciousness allows us to delve into the depths of dimensionality and explore new realms. Gary will introduce techniques to access higher levels of information such as interfacing with portals, […]
Dowse Your Tarot Tap into your inner knowing by intuitively dowsing to pick the Tarot Cards for readings for yourself and friends. Learn to use a Dowsing Chart developed specially for Tarot Cards. Tarot can provide an illuminating mirror to reveal who you were, are, and are becoming. It can put your story into a greater context and extract life lessons, wisdom, and self-awareness. Tarot allows you to consider a problem, give a voice to it, work it through and see where the blocks might be. It can give voice to problems or fears. There are many benefits to having a daily Tarot Card practice and using a Dowsing Chart allows the Tarot Cards to be picked by your subconscious, no need to shuffle cards with this fun new way to access the spiritual information found in Tarot Cards. During the class you will be doing your own Tarot reading using the Dowsing Chart you will receive. Bring your favorite Tarot Deck ( OK to attend without a Tarot Deck) and come to Margaret VanLaanMartin’s fun Dowsing Your Tarot talkn
1 hour 15 minues
Big Red
DO YOU WANT TO BE A MORE SUCCESSFUL DOWSER? This class is for newbies and also for anyone who does not trust their dowsing answers! Please come and join Margaret VanLaanMartin who will show you techniques to improve your dowsing whether you are a beginning dowser or are not confident in your dowsing abilities. You […]
https://www.ageofaquariuschico.com1 hour 15 minues
1st Floor
Power of Pendulum Creativity In this lecture “The Power of the Creative Pendulum” we’ll be learning to dowse and divine with a pendulum and the Creative Charts. With the pendulum, we’ll be learning to receive yes/no answers, how to clear the aura and chakras, and ground with Mother Earth. Then we’ll learn to use the […]
https://www.joanrosestaffen.comWorkshop (half day) – How to Pin your Dragon - Earth Healing for Wannabe Wizards A masterclass in earth energy dowsing with international geomancer Grahame Gardner. Learn how to perform earth acupuncture on geopathically-stressed energies and work with energy leys, earth grids, dragon lines, power centres and much more! Led by geomancer Grahame Gardner from Scotland. Biography: Grahame has been dowsing professionally for over 20 years and specialises mostly in geopathic stress work and electromagnetic surveying of properties, and the design and creation of sacred spaces. He is a Professional Member, Registered Tutor and Past President of the British Society of Dowsers and a regular presenter and workshop leader at international conferences. Grahame is also a member of the Canadian and American dowsing societies, a founder member of The Geomancy Group, and is co-chair (with Susan Collins) of International Dowsers, dedicated to fostering greater links between British and North American dowsing techniques. Find out more at westerngeomancy.org/about-me
3 hours
1st Floor
Biography: Grahame has been dowsing professionally for over 20 years and specialises mostly in geopathic stress work and electromagnetic surveying of properties, and the design and creation of sacred spaces. He is a Professional Member, Registered Tutor and Past President of the British Society of Dowsers and a regular presenter and workshop leader at international […]
https://westerngeomancy.org/about-me/?v=7516fd43adaaDOWSING THE EXTRAORDINARY WORKSHOP - Gary Plapp Type: Classroom instruction, map dowsing, field dowsing Attendees will be introduced to techniques in classroom, map and field dowsing to locate and utilize natural (on campus) energies. These include locating vortexes, ley lines, spacecraft and portals. Students will be taught how to create and interact with time-space portals. They will also be shown how to dowse and evaluate spacecraft both on the ground and hovering at low altitude. Healing techniques will be explored utilizing natural vortexes and ley lines. Maps and Bovis charts will be supplied.
3 hours
Room 301
Dowsing Beyond the World of Appearances We live in a multidimensional existence where consciousness plays an important role in dowsing and how we interface with the world. Dowsing consciousness allows us to delve into the depths of dimensionality and explore new realms. Gary will introduce techniques to access higher levels of information such as interfacing with portals, […]
3 hours
Room 240
All Day Advanced School (Thursday, July 4th) 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Geomantic Ways to Create Labyrinths Richard Feather Anderson will share (for the first time ever at a dowsing conference school!) his knowledge from 40 years of developing a unique metaphysical approach to the siting, orienting, and laying out of traditional Labyrinth designs on […]
https://www.richardfeatheranderson.com/3 hours
Meet at Registration
Atala Toy is the author of several books focused on Interdimensional Cooperation. For over twenty years, she has photographed and documented the existence of sentient beings who co-exist with human beings on our one earth. She is a past vice president of the American Society of Dowsers. For twenty-five years she owned and operated a […]
https://www.atalatoy.comIn the Young People's Mystery School, Kids ages 5 to 16 will learn how to use all of the dowsing tools: L-rod, Y-rod, Bobber and Pendulum as well as deviceless dowsing. This custom made class will surely delight and intrigue your young dowser or dowser-to-be! Parent or responsible adult must attend the conference and take the student to lunch.
8 hours
Getting in tune with our brain waves for Conscious Dowsing Kalena will speak to us regarding her exploration and journey of dowsing, utilizing Brain Wave Management. She will teach us how to navigate our 4 basic brain waves to allow for better dowsing. She will walk us through a meditation for each which will allow […]
https://www.crystalvortex.com/Exploring the Purpose & Dynamics of Dowsing: The mechanics of how and why dowsing works. Overcoming belief systems, shared illusions, and ego in pursuit of a more perfect dowse. Water well site location demonstration by popular demand. Bring pendulum. As a dowser, G attempts to combine objective thought, logic, science, intuition and both inner and […]
Spoonbending, Stretching Your Intuitive Muscles Explore how powerful thought can be. Jeannette will lead this hands-on session in bending spoons and other playful ways to use your mind. Jeannette, President of Northern California Dowsers (Nor Cal Dowsers), Redding, CA, was introduced to dowsing 25 years ago by Dr. Dianne Morrissey, influenced by Carl Bracy, Walt […]
http://norcaldowsers.comKnow Your Energy the Human Design Way Let’s talk energy centers! Ever wish your “human self” came with an instruction manual, a blueprint of your soul and life purpose? Ever wonder why your energy gets depleted or increased when you are around certain people? Notice how easily fears or emotions creep in? Ever get bitter […]
All Day Advanced School (Thursday, July 4th) 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Geomantic Ways to Create Labyrinths Richard Feather Anderson will share (for the first time ever at a dowsing conference school!) his knowledge from 40 years of developing a unique metaphysical approach to the siting, orienting, and laying out of traditional Labyrinth designs on […]
https://www.richardfeatheranderson.com/Susan McNeill Spuhler is an Industrial Engineer and has been dowsing for over 34 years, successfully finding wells for clients throughout the northeastern United States as well as California. She also finds lost items and clears geopathic stress from property. Susan is the President of the Boston Dowsers, a life member of the Ozark Research […]
#Because you know you want to relive those carefree college days staying in the campus apartments
356 Rachel Carson Road
Santa Cruz, CA 95064
July 4 to 8, 2024
Full 3 Day Conference (Fri., Sat., & Sun)
$160 for just one day.
$450 for Full Conference.
Single Room: $160/night Double: $145/night
Each night includes 3 nutritious meals per day.
.................... $100, $200
Advanced & Beginner Schools: Thursday, July 4th
Workshops, Monday, July 8th
$100 1/2 Day
Basic Dowsing School ($200, $75 for College Students): Thursday, July 4th 9:00-5:00 PM
Advanced Schools (Thursday, July 4th)
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM: Richard Feather Anderson Full Day $200.
9:00 AM – NOON: Roxanne Louise: Navigating the Rapids of Change 1/2 Day $100 (AM)
2:00 – 5:00 PM: Grahame Gardner: Map Dowsing & Remote Healing 1/2 Day $100 (PM)
2:00 – 5:00 PM: Peter Fairfield: Healing & Success as a Medical Dowser 1/2 Day $100 (PM)
Young People’s Mystery School: Saturday, July 6th ($100 FOR THE day per student); ages 9-15
Workshops (Monday, July 8th):
9:00 – NOON: Grahame Gardner: How to Pin Your Dragon – Earth Acupuncture for Dummies 1/2 Day $100 (AM)
9:00 – NOON: Gary Plapp: Dowsing the Extraordinary Workshop 1/2 Day $100 (AM)
1:00 – 4:00 PM: Atala Toy: A Field Trip to Dowse for and Photographically Record the Presence of Nature Beings 1/2 Day $100 (AM)
1:00 – 4:00 PM: Feather Anderson: Feather’s Favorite Meditations to Shift Consciousness 1/2 Day $100 (AM)
Wonderful Memories from past West Coast Dowsers Conferences!
Barney Turner is the Director of the Basic Dowsing School which will be held on Thursday, July 4th. Dowsing School cost is $150 ($75 for College Students)
Susan is the conference co-director and can be reached at 978.340.9304 if you have any questions.
Please support our generous sponsors who help make this conference possible!