Smiling woman with red hair and glasses.

Margaret VanLaan Martin

@ Age of Aquarius, Chico, California


This class is for newbies and also for anyone who does not trust their dowsing answers!  

Please come and join Margaret VanLaanMartin who will show you techniques to improve your dowsing whether you are a beginning dowser or are not confident in your dowsing abilities. 

You will learn a grounding technique, a technique to stay centered and in neutrality, how to dowse for protection, and how to dowse to balance your chakras. When you use these specific tools, you can preset your body before you begin dowsing to make dowsing easier and more successful. Additionally, you will learn about 15 dowsing pitfalls and how to avoid them to make dowsing easier and more accurate.  

Join Margaret for this fun, fact-filled class. Come away with tools to improve your dowsing accuracy and grow more confident in your dowsing practice. Bring your Dowsing tools with you for this hands-on class.  

Yes, You Can Manifest 

Learn a Special Simple Process to Help Manifest Anything You Desire 

Everything is energy and is constantly vibrating. And the law of attraction is we all attract what we put out through our energy and vibration. 

The majority of humanity never learns about universal laws such as the law of attraction, or they chose not to believe in it. But here’s the good news: 

Regardless of your belief, you’re acting as a human magnet 24/7, sending vibrational frequency out to the universe and receiving the same energy back. There’s no way not to use the law of attraction. You’re doing it all the time. 

The law of attraction is always working. It doesn’t matter if you believe in it or not. Stating that you don’t believe in the law of attraction is as if you’d say you don’t believe in the force of gravity. The universe doesn’t care whether you believe in it or not. 

Of course, you can choose not to believe in it and work your ass off throughout your entire life, wondering why you still don’t get what you want. Come to class and learn that you don’t need to hustle 80 hours a week to create a great life. Learn a fun, simple manifestation process so you can live a joyful life filled with ease and still get everything you desire. 

About Margaret VanLaan Martin

I do this work because I love it. For over 30 years my passion has been to help people transform their lives. It is a joy to see the benefits in the lives of my clients — seeing their lives become less stressful and more effective. I also see benefits in my own life, as I continue to grow spiritually and refine my techniques.

As an intuitive consultant, psychic, and healer, my job is to see what is blocking your movement through the current issues in your life and to give you the tools to deal with the issues.

Psychic readings or healing sessions are good ways to experience and explore your psychic energy in a fun and informative way. Healing and answers to any issue or dilemma that is blocking your energy can be looked into and resolved. I offer several different types of readings and services which focus on various subjects. If healing is what you need, you can find relief for minor and major conditions and disorders.
