Sun., July 7th___10:45 AM – NOON___Brian Besco___Light Anchoring for Environmental Clearing___Big Red

Light Anchoring for Environmental Clearing

Learn to use Light Anchors to:

  • Increase the light and consciousness of water, including water towers, wells, lakes, rivers, and streams.
  • Remediate the harmful effects of cell towers.
  • Cross over ghosts, including cemeteries, homes, schools, hospitals, etc.
  • Clear land of negative energies from human and environmental trauma.
  • Close portals and vortexes.
  • Move underground waterways.
  • Remediate geopathic stress lines.
  • Create Sacred Space for healing, creativity, connection, etc.

Hands-on workshop includes activations and attunements to the Sacred Heart and other higher dimensional tools used in the clearing work.


Brian Besco and his family create some of the world’s most powerful subtle energy tools, using Sacred Measurements and Tensor Technology.   Located in the Black Hills of South Dakota, Brian travels world-wide teaching various consciousness and energy modalities, including Light Anchoring.   Brian has been a key-note speaker for the American Society of Dowsers, Radionics by the Masters, and several other organizations through the years.  He is also the creator of the Golden Fire and Light Dowsing Rods, a higher dimensional tool used to do all that Light Anchors can do.  Brian has continued and furthered the work of Slim Spurling, the original creator of Tensor Rings.