Sun., July 7th__3:45 PM – 5:00 PM__Joan Rose Staffen__The Creative Pendulum__1st Floor

The Creative Pendulum

What do you do with your life after you have healed from life’s many challenges? What creative avenues do you explore? What will bring you to the next level of fulfillment? Come join master dowser Joan Rose Staffen, who will teach you how to use the pendulum and the 33 original Creative Charts. You will be amazed at your ability to quickly use this intuitive system. We will practice using the pendulum and giving mini-readings, answering questions such as; What are my blocks? What will help release them? How do I clear them? Who am I artistically? What are my talents? What new arena should I explore? Are you ready? A larger life is calling.


Joan Rose Staffen is an author, artist, and psychic healer dedicated to assisting others heal their lives, rediscover their purpose, and stay on their life path. She helps her students and clients uncover, visualize, plan, and actualize their dreams through her books, experiential workshops, and psychic readings. The Book of Pendulum Healing and her upcoming book, The Creative Pendulum, contain a unique divining system using the pendulum and the Intuitive Charts. Contact her at [email protected], 831 251-0866, and see