@ Unlimited Potential Healing Center
Roxanne Louise is a Hypnotherapist, Dowser, Stress Management Expert & Reiki
Master, who divides her time between private practice, teaching classes both locally,
on the internet, and at multiple national hypnosis & dowsing conferences yearly. She
has received several awards for her work in hypnosis and dowsing. Roxanne is a Past
President & former member of the Board of the American Society of Dowsers,
conducted 47 informative teleconferences for them for more than 2 years, and has
written numerous books (see https://www.roxannelouise.com/all-books-list.html) and
has a prodigious blog with over 170 articles
at UnlimitedPotentiaHealingCenter.com. She is known for her ability to integrate
multiple modalities for a powerful synergistic effect that enables profound healing not
possible with one modality alone, and in a way not previously done by others. She
specializes in mental and emotional healing, stress management, mind-body
healing, and creative problem solving. Her websites are www.RoxanneLouise.com,
and Dowsing-Online.com . A full bio is here: https://www.roxannelouise.com/about.html