@ Dowsing Superstar
Spoonbending, Stretching Your Intuitive Muscles
Explore how powerful thought can be. Jeannette will lead this hands-on session in bending
spoons and other playful ways to use your mind.
Jeannette, President of Northern California Dowsers (Nor Cal Dowsers),
Redding, CA, was introduced to dowsing 25 years ago by Dr. Dianne
Morrissey, influenced by Carl Bracy, Walt Woods, Dr. Gloria Dodd, Pat
Delafield, Barney Turner, and Sharron Hope. Her boundless energy and laugh
are infectious. She’s everyone’s cheerleader and a fantastic dowser!
Jeannette is a professional dowser, instructing youth and adults. Contact info:
[email protected], 530-222-2024 and www.NorCalDowsers.com